Wednesday 16 July 2014

Lip Syncing Response

Lip Syncing

As part of my coursework I have been told that I must do a lip syncing task. For my lip syncing task I decided to work in a group of 3 and as a group we decided to pick Black and Gold by Sam Sparro for our lip syncing song choice. Overall the lip syncing task was successful and I have embed the video below. In my next post I will be reviewing my lip syncing task based upon performing and editing my video.

Sunday 13 July 2014


Another concept that I must research into is the use of intertextuality and how it may be used and presented into today media. I have created a prezi presentation to show my understanding and awareness on this aspect. Please take a few moments to view my presentation below in terms of presenting my findings.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Andrew Goodwin

In regards to my research one of my tasks is to present my findings into Andrew Goodwin's theory. While doing this I have decided to present a slideshare powerpoint presentation to display my understanding of the theory as well as applying the theory to music video I have independently found. Below you can view my presentation slide.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Applying Carol Vernallis Theory to Music Videos

Throughout analyzing Vernallises theory I have researched and have found some music videos that can be applied to her theory. I have created a presentation below listing the music videos and why they can be applied to this theory in practice.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Carol Vernallis

As part of my research and planning I have started to look at and analyse music video theories in practice. One of the first theories I have started to have started to analyse is Carol Vernallis music video theory. I have created a short presentation below about what she believe and states within her theory. Within my next blog post I will be applying her theory in practice to music videos so that I have a much better insight and understanding of her theory.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Music and Me

For one of my blog post tasks, I have been asked to provide a presentation of a list of songs that represent my childhood and me as a person as a whole which represents my personality and characteristics. Below I have created a Prezi that presents that songs I have chosen and I have explained why I have chosen the songs to represent me.